Tuesday, April 30, 2013

JoeSoGarden Update: Cilantro/Coriander seeds in the ground

Yesterday I planted a handful of coriander (cilantro) seeds next to the already grown coriander (cilantro) plant. (I <3 the shit outta cilantro.) 

I only see one carrot plant sprouting so far from the seeds I planted on April 16, 2013. I expect about a 15 day germination time on the carrots, so they should start poking their little stems through pretty soon! I do feel a little nervous that they won't come up at all. "Wool Sea."


  1. Hey Joe,

    Glad to hear you're growing carrots too! I too was getting nervous because it seemed like a long time before I actually saw sprouts but they did pop up eventually, and now that they have they seem to be growing pretty slowly so I guess it'll be a while before they're ready to eat =/

    Let me know when yours come up and how they work for you.

    xo JC

    1. My carrots turned out really well. I've eaten a few already and left the rest in the ground so far. They grew fairly deep and pretty thick, too. I was impressed!

  2. Starting to see a few more sprouting today!
