Check out this video of the sauce cooking
Alright, so, this JoeSoBakery weblog is going to have to include cooking as well as baking. I mean, I have enough of these god forsaken blogs already, I'm not adding another one. But I want to keep track of recipes that I
cook (not just things I bake), particularly staples and recipes I want to use again and again. I want to both master the basics to the point where I have a great traditional
whatever-it-is-I'm-making plus gain the skill to spin off my own versions to suit different tastes or handle various pantry situations (i.e., make do with what's on hand).
ingredients |
On this rainy Friday night I'll make a spaghetti sauce, which is definitely something I need to master.
I've made tomato based sauce before, but never anything that came out that well. I just want to start with a basic, traditional spaghetti sauce, and then work on adding a little spice to it.
1. Heat 2 T olive oil in large saucepan. Add:
2 small onions, chopped
2. Cook till tender, 3-5 minutes.
3. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 2-3 hours:
2 can tomato paste + 1 can water
4-8 small tomatoes, or canned (24 oz.)
basil, oregano, 2 bay leaves
- chopped green pepper
- spicy: maybe a chile pepper or red pepper flakes, or salsa verde
- add cooked gimme lean at the end
- cream cheese???
Ok I'm about to eat this... over spaghetti with goat cheese on top...
The sauce has a very nice thickness. There could be a little more liquid to soak the noodles, but the
viscosity is overall nice. The flavor is good. It's actually very good. It is, however, too spicy. That's because I used the canned salsa verde and some green chile pepper -- because I didn't have enough tomatoes. I had a little bit of ketchup to add to counter balance the spiciness. Meat would be great in this sauce. Or even
gimme lean -- that's a good idea! I actually like the goat cheese. When I take a bite of the pasta that has a chunk of the goat cheese, it gets really creamy and gooey. Could I use cream or maybe cream cheese? To give it a nice creamy cheesiness?! You know, it's actually not even too spicy. I think if I skipped the green chili pepper and just used some of the salsa verde it would work out well.
Next time: Just 1 bay leaf -- don't use anything spicy
Check out this demo (on the left) and video of the sauce cooking (right).
viscosity demo :-) |
Today's cooking playlist featured Talvin Singh, 50 Cent, Nate Dogg, Non Phixion, Squarepusher, Betty Lavette, Tommy McCook, and Arrested Development, in that order.